Our Values


Transparency shows up in how we thoroughly explain our working process and in providing insight into how the travel industry operates - we never want our travelers to be surprised by unexpected fees.

We aim to show up as true advisors - sales is part of what we do, but it’s not everything. We’re here to find the right solution to our clients’ very unique problems and sometimes that can look like advising you to change to a less expensive destination, move your travel dates to a less popular season, or even advising that we pivot to a new idea if we can’t make the original idea work.

Our goal is clients for life - every trip starts from that place: are we solving your problem? If not, we go back to the drawing board. Transparency is a two-way street here: we need clients to be open and honest with themselves and with us about their budgets and needs.


This can look like really digging into every proposal we receive from suppliers - are the hotels right for the client? Does the day flow in a way that’s going to make them comfortable? Are the suggestions thoughtful and creative, or more general?

Curiosity is also reflected in our near-constant absorption of news from the travel industry - we spend hours each week reading industry news, learning about new hotels and destination products, exchanging reviews with colleagues to get up-to-the-minute information on how various partners and hotels are performing so we can make the best decisions possible for our clients.

Relationships & Fit

Like most industries, relationships are everything - who you know, how you know, and what you know about them are critical components of both successful client relationships and successful partner relationships.

We work hard to make sure you understand who we are, how we work, and what our process will be like, so you can determine right away whether or not to contact us.

Our primary goal - always - is to ensure our travelers are matched with the right destination, ground partners, and hotels. All three parties in the trip-planning process are equally important: client, advisor, partner. If the fit is off between any of the two, the trip doesn’t work as well as it could. We spend a great deal of time reviewing and vetting supplier partners to make sure anyone we’re working with matches our standards and ethics.